Connect your Adobe FontKit account directly to Logic using the Adobe FontKit plugin. This will allow you to access specific Web Projects set up in your Adobe account for display in your Logic CMX website.
- Login to your Adobe Fonts account and click on your user account icon at the top right of the screen. A menu will display with an API Token link. Click on the API Token link to go to the API Token management page. If you have an existing token - copy it. Or generate a new token. Copy the numerical code.
- Login to your Logic CMX admin and then go to the Settings tab in the left rail and select Plugins. Within Plugins look for the Adobe Fonts tile and select it to display the settings pop-up. Then enable the plugin and paste your API Token into the field and save.
- Return to the Settings tab in the Logic CMX Admin and select Font Management and scroll to the bottom of the screen to see the Adobe Project ID field. This is where you will enter the ID for the specific font set (Web Project) you created in your Adobe Fonts account.
- Go back to your Adobe Fonts account and look for the Manage Fonts tab on the right side of the page. Go to Web Projects and then select the Project ID of the Web Project you created with the fonts you would like to use on your Logic website. Return to the Logic Admin and paste that ID into the Project ID field in Font Management. Then save. You should now see the Adobe Font Project loaded at the bottom of your available fonts lists and can assign these fonts in Website settings as Headings (H1 through H6) and body, link, and nav fonts.
Please note: Updates made from the Adobe Fonts website to website projects are not automatically updated in Logic. If you edit the fonts in the website project, copy the ID and resubmit it in the Adobe Project ID field in Font Management and then save to update your list of fonts.