Branding and identity are global settings that establish the website or app's name, logo, and base styles. To set your branding and identity elements, login to the Logic CMX admin and go to Website Settings within the Settings tab of the left rail navigation. The first tab within Website Settings is the Site Identity tab.
Site Name
The site name is used globally for navigation, automated confirmation, and emails. The site name also displays as the website logo if an image is not uploaded. Enter the name of your website or service. Use the optional font settings including font, size, line height, color, and weight to determine how the site name will look in the header of your website and apps.
Logo Image
The logo image is displayed in the header of your website or app within the navigation bar. Upload a web compatible image using the select image button. A window displaying the Media Manager will open. Drag and drop a web-friendly image into the media manager or optionally, create a new folder to store your image. Note: A PNG file format with transparent background at 72 ppi works best so that the background colors of the website will show through. Jpeg, GIF and SVG image file formats will work as well. Select the image and save. You are now able to adjust the logo settings including enable/disable, logo position within the header, and max width (in pixels) for desktop and tablet displays. Use the max width settings to control the size of the logo in the header. For example, if the logo is 800px wide, setting the max width to 200px will reduce both the width and height within the header. Save settings to see the updates on the website.
Sticky Nav Logo (Optional)
The sticky nav refers to a website top nav that stays affixed to the top of the screen as the user scrolls down the screen. Often the elements in the nav will reduce in size or change on scroll to better fit the screen. By adding an optional sticky nav logo, you are able to set a different max width size, and show a different format logo, for example, switch to a different color or substitute an icon. Save settings to see the updates on the website.
Mobile Logo
A separate mobile logo can be added as an option to provide a different format and max width setting specific for phone view. Upload a web compatible image using the select image button. A window displaying the Media Manager will open. Drag and drop a web-friendly image into the media manager or optionally, create a new folder to store your image. Save settings to see the updates on the website.
Adding a Favicon Image
A favicon image is the small icon that appears in the user's browser tab bar and bookmarks. Upload a web-friendly image using the select image button. A window displaying the Media Manager will open. Drag and drop a web-friendly image into the media manager or optionally, create a new folder to store your image. Note: For best results, use a 72 ppi square format PNG image with solid or transparent background and minimum 300px width. Save settings to see the updates on the website.
Select Home Page
Use this menu to select an enabled page that has been previously created in the Website tab. All enabled pages will display in this menu. By selecting and saving this setting, the designated page will be linked from the website header logo or website name. Save settings to see the updates on the website.
Select Splash Page
A splash page is typically a branded page with minimal elements such as a logo. The splash page loads first to identify the site and then redirects to the designated home page. Use this menu to select an enabled page to become the splash page. All enabled pages will display in this menu. By selecting and saving this setting, the designated page will display on initial load of the website and then not display again for the user for the time period designated in the Splash Page Re-Display Hours.
Select Logged In Home Page
For member-based websites, it is possible to designate a specific home page for logged in users. If a user is logged in, they will automatically be directed to the Logged In Home page. Use the Select Logged In Home Page menu to select an enabled page. Then save settings.