Logic CMX provides a full featured blog system that integrates seamlessly with other Logic website, video, and ecommerce sections.
There are three methods for creating a blog post:
1. Classic - A rich text editor for direct text and image layouts.
2. CMX - A module based editor that uses the same column, row, and module structure that the main website utilizes.
3. Logic AI - An AI post generator that uses prompts to create the main text and summary.
Each method is accessible in the blog post editor's main tabs. The Classic editor tab is open by default and is the simplest method so this article focuses on the Classic editor.
Watch this video and follow the steps listed below to create your first blog post.
How to Use the Logic CMX Blog
1. Login to the Logic admin using your email and password.
2. Go to the Blog tab within left-side navigation bar and select the "Posts" link to go to the list of current blog posts.
3. Select the Add New Post button at the top right of the blog listings screen.
4. The Add New Post form will display. The only required field is Title. Enter the main title of your post the way you would like it to display from the blog home page and at the top of the blog post. You can also add meta keywords and description for SEO purposes and modify the URL code or "slug" to differ from the title. Otherwise the title is converted into a browser-friendly URL. Click "SAVE" to continue.
5. A blank blog post editor with the new title is displayed. Enter and style your text within the large content window. The rich text editor provides common styling options for adding text styles, images, links, and other format options to your blog posts.
6. Add a short summary of your blog post into the summary field. For best results, limit the summary to under 60 words. Ideally 15 to 30 words. Or use the Logic AI link to auto generate a summary from your post text.
7. Click on the "Edit Post Images" button at the top of the editor to add a main article image (appears at the top of your post automatically as a hero panel) and a thumbnail (typically a smaller square image - Example: 600x600 px). Add images to the post using the Select Image buttons to open the media manager where you can select previously uploaded images or upload a new image. Then click on the "Save" button.
8. Once you have entered your text and images to the blog post, click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the right-side settings panel. The blog post will be saved but disabled so it is not yet visible in the blog, trays, or other feeds. You will be exited out to the blog listings page where you will see your new blog post at the top of the list in disabled mode.
9. Select the Preview icon on the right side of the post listing to open a new browser tab with post layout. If the post is completed and approved, click on the "Disabled" status and the blob will be enabled (Click the enabled link to disable as well). Or if further edits are required, select the edit icon to return to the post editor.
Please Note: Additional features are available within the right side preferences pane of the post editor.
Post Date and Date Format: You can set the format the post date will use for display and set a date for the post. Posts are listed in chronological order so setting the date back will move the post down the list.
Post Status: Enable or Disable a post to control display and access to front-end viewers. A disabled post cannot be seen by outside viewers but you are able to preview the post from within the admin by selecting the Preview button.
Author: Add an author to the post. Both authors and post dates appear in the byline under the title. Authors can be created and saved in the Authors Manager for repeat use. Add a new author or select a saved author from the menu.
Pin to Top: this feature will pin the post to the top of the list of posts regardless of date.
Category: This is optional. You can add a post to a category from the menu or create a new category by clicking on the + button. Categories can be a used to group posts by subject or topic and allow filtering of posts by specific category in trays, carousels, and listing pages. There are options for a primary category and secondary categories to allow posts to be included in more than one category.
Tags: Tags are similar to categories in that they provide another method of filtering and associating posts by keyword. Tags can be included within a blog post to allow the user to select a tag and find other posts related to the tag.
Insert Block: A block is a custom layout created in the website section of Logic. A block allows you to add a complex layout to the blog post using columns and modules. Insert an existing block fro m the menu or create a new block by clicking on the + button. By default, blocks are added to the bottom of the post after any content entered into the rich text editor.
Preview: This feature allows you to view the blog post while it is disabled on the front-end. You must save your post and edits before previewing.
Save: Make sure to save your blog post before exiting the editor or your changes will be lost. Please note that saving will not place the blog post live. You must enable the post to go live.
Export / Import: You can export a blog post to a file that can be imported to another Logic CMX website or blog. This feature is beneficial if you are maintaining multiple websites or have created a post on a staging site and would like to move to a production website. Selecting the "Include Media" option will bundle any images included within the post.